

Pakume laia valikut mahutite sise- ja välispindu kaitsvaid pinnakattesüsteeme: peale omatoodete pakume ka heakskiidetud Jotuni tooteid, mis on mõeldud tsisternide ja mahutite katmiseks

Õige pinnakatte valimine tagab toote pikaajalise vastupidavuse tugevatoimelistele kemikaalidele ja vähendab ka hoolduskulusid. Tsisternide ja mahutite välispindade korrosiooni eest kaitsmiseks saate valida erinevate läikeastmete ja värvitoonidega toodete seast. Meie kergesti pealekantavad pinnakatted aitavad vähendada toodete tarneaega.


  • Kemikaalimahutid
  • Joogiveemahutid
  • Tarbeveemahutid
  • Toornaftamahutid

Kui vajate õige lahenduse leidmiseks lisateavet, võtke julgelt ühendust meie tehnilise toega: tel. +372 600 3946, -47, -48 või saatke e-kiri aadressil

Jotun´s TankFast solution – The industry just got quicker

When your tanks are out of service, they are not making you any money. With TankFast, Jotun has dramatically reduced the application time for lining tanks. Using products such as Tankguard SF, which allows for wet-on-wet application, and Tankguard Plus, which enables up to 50% faster completion, you can significantly reduce shutdown time and return your tanks to service more quickly than ever before.

Which lining for which tank?



  • Alkaline solutions
  • Some Biofuels
  • Water in various forms
  • Phenolic epoxies used for higher temp.
  • Veg. and mineral oils

Vinyl Esters:

  • Biofuels
  • Acids
  • Aggressive chemicals
  • Temperature, max 85°C

 Zinc Silicates:

  • Alcohols
  • Ketones
  • Other Solvents

The TankFast products


Tankguard Storage 

  • Getting your clean petroleum product and crude oil tanks back into service within 48 hours

Tankguard Plus

  • Up to 50% faster than competition, for 95% of your mild steel tanks

 Tankguard SF

  • The benefit of two solvent free coats in the time of one

Tankguard Zinc

  • The best solvent resistance 60% faster than an epoxy coating –no mudcracking

Chemflake Special

  • The fastest lining for acid storage tanks


Read more about Jotun´s TankFast solution here.